3 Ways Smart Pipeline Pigging Saves You Money

While you might already use pipeline integrity gauges (PIGs) to clean your pipelines, you should consider switching to using a smart PIG system. While smart pigging also cleans your lines, it has additional benefits which could save your company money. What are they?

1. Combine Cleaning and Inspection Costs

While cleaning your pipelines keeps them in good shape, this isn't the only maintenance work you have to do on your system. You also have to inspect your pipelines periodically to ensure that they are safe to use and are in good shape.

If you use regular PIGs, then they take care of the cleaning. However, you'll have to run separate inspections. If you contract out this work, then you have two charges to pay. If you need to close down your pipelines to clean and inspect them, then you also have downtime costs.

Smart PIGs do both jobs at once. As the PIG moves through a pipeline, it cleans it out. However, these devices also use intelligent technology. As they move through a pipeline, they inspect it and record its condition.

You pay once for two services. Plus, you can run some smart PIGs through a working pipeline, so you'll reduce your downtime costs.

2. Reduce Pipeline Breakdowns

Internal pipeline damage is hard to spot early. Typically, you might not know that a pipeline has a problem until it affects the materials it carries or breaks.

At this stage, you could have a significant repair or replacement job on your hands. The costs of dealing with damage that is bad enough to cause a breakdown are often high. You might have to shut down a pipeline for a significant amount of time to get it back in working order.

If you run regular inspections whenever you clean your pipelines, then your smart PIG will evaluate the condition of your pipes as it cleans. It will look for current damage and potential future problems. You can make cheaper repairs earlier before they cause significant damage. You will also have fewer downtime costs.

3. Avoid Environmental Costs

If one of your pipelines has internal damage, then it could crack or spring a leak. It could spill hazardous materials into the environment.

You will have clean-up costs here to make things right again. You might also be hit by penalty charges if your spill creates an environmental hazard or damage.

Smart PIG scans help you maintain the working integrity of all your pipelines. They are less likely to spill their contents, so you should be able to avoid environmental remediation costs.

For more information, contact pipeline services providers and ask about their smart pigging options.
