When Is It Best To Use A Fiberglass Electrical Enclosure?

When you are in the process of installing electrical wiring and components, you basically have three options where enclosures are concerned: metal, plastic, or fiberglass. For the longest time, metal enclosures were used, but through the years, plastic enclosures have replaced most metal enclosures. Nowadays, fiberglass electrical enclosures are starting to be the preference in a lot of cases, but specifically in certain settings or applications. Why is that the case? Here is a look at some of the situations when it is best to choose a fiberglass electrical enclosure instead of a plastic or metal one. 

You need an exterior electrical enclosure outdoors. 

If you will be mounting an electrical enclosure box outdoors, fiberglass is almost always going to prove to be the best option. Fiberglass does not corrode when it is exposed to the natural elements, even if you live in an area close to the sea where salt content in the air is higher than usual. Plus, fiberglass is resilient to sudden blows, so it will not fall apart easily if a wind-blown limb or object strikes the box. To keep the internal electrical systems protected, fiberglass enclosures really are the most efficient outdoor choice. 

You need an electrical enclosure custom made. 

If you are working in a small area, such as in a tight crawl space or the attic, and you don't have much space to work with, you may have to get an enclosure box that is different than what you would just go out and buy. Fiberglass can be molded into multiple shapes easily. Therefore, if you need a custom-made electrical enclosure for a certain setting, you should be able to find it. Even if you do not have access to a custom-made enclosure, what you will find is a wider array of different shape and size options already available. 

You need an enclosure that is lightweight. 

When installing electrical components in some settings, every extra ounce of weight must be considered. Fiberglass is much lighter in weight than metal, and it is even sometimes lighter in weight than some plastic enclosures because the plastic enclosures have to be so thick for resilience. Because of this feature, fiberglass enclosures can make logical sense in settings where you need a lightweight fixture. 

In the end, fiberglass electrical enclosures are highly advantageous in a lot of settings. To find out more about fiberglass enclosures, reach out to an electric supply company in your area. 
